Sunday, February 28, 2016

How to pick perfect birthday flowers for men

Men love flowers, but for some reason flowers are not the first thing that comes to mind when an individual is looking for a man’s birthday gift. However, the idea that flowers are only for women is a complete misconception. In fact, many surveys taken by men show that the vast majority of men would enjoy receiving flowers for their birthday or other special occasions, so gift givers should take note. As such, flowers should be considered as a gift for any man whether he be a father, husband, boyfriend or son.

The flowers that are most appropriate for men, regardless of the position the man holds in your life, are flowers that are bright and vibrant in reds, oranges and yellows. Because of this, roses, Gerber daisies and carnations are always great choices. Also, any birth month flower would be an appropriate birthday gift not to mention any particular favorite flower the man might have from orchids to a cactus. Of course, if you are sending birthday flowers to your husband or boyfriend red roses are just as appropriate for men as they are for women and represent the love and passion in the relationship.

Flowers specifically for a dad or a son should not be passionate, but loving and show appreciation and thoughtfulness on their special day. Again, bright colored flowers should be sent and plants and bonsai trees are also great choices.

Different months of the year have corresponding flowers, much like birthstones. January is the snowdrop and carnation; February the primrose and violet; March the violet and jonquil; April flowers are the daisy and sweet pea; May represents lily of the valley and hawthorn; June is the rose and honeysuckle; July the water lily and larkspur; August represents the gladiolus and poppy; September the Morning Glory and Aster; October the Marigold; November, chrysanthemum; and December birthday’s the Poinsettia and Holly.

Regardless of whose birthday it is whether man or woman, son or daughter, husband or wife, girlfriend or boyfriend, flowers are always an appropriate and thoughtful gift that will be appreciated immensely.

The history of personality disorders

Well into the eighteenth century, the only types of mental illness - then collectively known as "delirium" or "mania" - were depression (melancholy), psychoses, and delusions. At the beginning of the nineteenth century, the French psychiatrist Pinel coined the phrase "manie sans delire" (insanity without delusions). He described patients who lacked impulse control, often raged when frustrated, and were prone to outbursts of violence. He noted that such patients were not subject to delusions. He was referring, of course, to psychopaths (subjects with the Antisocial Personality Disorder). Across the ocean, in the United States, Benjamin Rush made similar observations.

In 1835, the British J. C. Pritchard, working as senior Physician at the Bristol Infirmary (hospital), published a seminal work titled "Treatise on Insanity and Other Disorders of the Mind". He, in turn, suggested the neologism "moral insanity".

To quote him, moral insanity consisted of "a morbid perversion of the natural feelings, affections, inclinations, temper, habits, moral dispositions, and natural impulses without any remarkable disorder or defect of the intellect or knowing or reasoning faculties and in particular without any insane delusion or hallucination" (p. 6).

He then proceeded to elucidate the psychopathic (antisocial) personality in great detail:

"(A) propensity to theft is sometimes a feature of moral insanity and sometimes it is its leading if not sole characteristic." (p. 27). "(E)ccentricity of conduct, singular and absurd habits, a propensity to perform the common actions of life in a different way from that usually practised, is a feature of many cases of moral insanity but can hardly be said to contribute sufficient evidence of its existence." (p. 23).

"When however such phenomena are observed in connection with a wayward and intractable temper with a decay of social affections, an aversion to the nearest relatives and friends formerly beloved - in short, with a change in the moral character of the individual, the case becomes tolerably well marked." (p. 23)

But the distinctions between personality, affective, and mood disorders were still murky.

Pritchard muddied it further:

"(A) considerable proportion among the most striking instances of moral insanity are those in which a tendency to gloom or sorrow is the predominant feature ... (A) state of gloom or melancholy depression occasionally gives way ... to the opposite condition of preternatural excitement." (pp. 18-19)

Another half century were to pass before a system of classification emerged that offered differential diagnoses of mental illness without delusions (later known as personality disorders), affective disorders, schizophrenia, and depressive illnesses. Still, the term "moral insanity" was being widely used.

Henry Maudsley applied it in 1885 to a patient whom he described as:

"(Having) no capacity for true moral feeling - all his impulses and desires, to which he yields without check, are egoistic, his conduct appears to be governed by immoral motives, which are cherished and obeyed without any evident desire to resist them." ("Responsibility in Mental Illness", p. 171).

But Maudsley already belonged to a generation of physicians who felt increasingly uncomfortable with the vague and judgmental coinage "moral insanity" and sought to replace it with something a bit more scientific.

Maudsley bitterly criticized the ambiguous term "moral insanity":

"(It is) a form of mental alienation which has so much the look of vice or crime that many people regard it as an unfounded medical invention (p. 170).

In his book "Die Psychopatischen Minderwertigkeiter", published in 1891, the German doctor J. L. A. Koch tried to improve on the situation by suggesting the phrase "psychopathic inferiority". He limited his diagnosis to people who are not retarded or mentally ill but still display a rigid pattern of misconduct and dysfunction throughout their increasingly disordered lives. In later editions, he replaced "inferiority" with "personality" to avoid sounding judgmental. Hence the "psychopathic personality".

Twenty years of controversy later, the diagnosis found its way into the 8th edition of E. Kraepelin's seminal "Lehrbuch der Psychiatrie" ("Clinical Psychiatry: a textbook for students and physicians"). By that time, it merited a whole lengthy chapter in which Kraepelin suggested six additional types of disturbed personalities: excitable, unstable, eccentric, liar, swindler, and quarrelsome.

Still, the focus was on antisocial behavior. If one's conduct caused inconvenience or suffering or even merely annoyed someone or flaunted the norms of society, one was liable to be diagnosed as "psychopathic".

In his influential books, "The Psychopathic Personality" (9th edition, 1950) and "Clinical Psychopathology" (1959), another German psychiatrist, K. Schneider sought to expand the diagnosis to include people who harm and inconvenience themselves as well as others. Patients who are depressed, socially anxious, excessively shy and insecure were all deemed by him to be "psychopaths" (in another word, abnormal).

This broadening of the definition of psychopathy directly challenged the earlier work of Scottish psychiatrist, Sir David Henderson. In 1939, Henderson published "Psychopathic States", a book that was to become an instant classic. In it, he postulated that, though not mentally subnormal, psychopaths are people who:

"(T)hroughout their lives or from a comparatively early age, have exhibited disorders of conduct of an antisocial or asocial nature, usually of a recurrent episodic type which in many instances have proved difficult to influence by methods of social, penal and medical care or for whom we have no adequate provision of a preventative or curative nature."

But Henderson went a lot further than that and transcended the narrow view of psychopathy (the German school) then prevailing throughout Europe.

In his work (1939), Henderson described three types of psychopaths. Aggressive psychopaths were violent, suicidal, and prone to substance abuse. Passive and inadequate psychopaths were over-sensitive, unstable and hypochondriacal. They were also introverts (schizoid) and pathological liars. Creative psychopaths were all dysfunctional people who managed to become famous or infamous.

Twenty years later, in the 1959 Mental Health Act for England and Wales, "psychopathic disorder" was defined thus, in section 4(4):

"(A) persistent disorder or disability of mind (whether or not including subnormality of intelligence) which results in abnormally aggressive or seriously irresponsible conduct on the part of the patient, and requires or is susceptible to medical treatment."

This definition reverted to the minimalist and cyclical (tautological) approach: abnormal behavior is that which causes harm, suffering, or discomfort to others. Such behavior is, ipso facto, aggressive or irresponsible. Additionally it failed to tackle and even excluded manifestly abnormal behavior that does not require or is not susceptible to medical treatment.

Thus, "psychopathic personality" came to mean both "abnormal" and "antisocial". This confusion persists to this very day. Scholarly debate still rages between those, such as the Canadian Robert, Hare, who distinguish the psychopath from the patient with mere antisocial personality disorder and those (the orthodoxy) who wish to avoid ambiguity by using only the latter term.

Moreover, these nebulous constructs resulted in co-morbidity. Patients were frequently diagnosed with multiple and largely overlapping personality disorders, traits, and styles. As early as 1950, Schneider wrote:

"Any clinician would be greatly embarrassed if asked to classify into appropriate types the psychopaths (that is abnormal personalities) encountered in any one year."

Today, most practitioners rely on either the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM), now in its fourth, revised text, edition or on the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), now in its tenth edition.

The two tomes disagree on some issues but, by and large, conform to each other.

Writing scripts basics

Let your Script breath...

Let a script breathe? Come on. A script isn’t human (not before your shoot it) so how can it breathe?

Think of it as a child, your child. You must have at least nine months of pregnancy to have a child. There is no instant child. The same is with a script. There is no time limit when you write it unless you are professional and someone hires you to write it. For a freelance writer it can take months or years to have one ready and even then it is not finished until the film is shot and edited.

You started writing knowing – more or less – what is the concept, where you are heading, what is that you want to express. The urge that made you put everything else aside and dedicate your life to writing the script.

You finally managed to finish a draft of the script - all 90 or 100 pages of it. You have now earned the right to sit back and relax. What now? What would be the next step? You probably can not wait to open the window and shout to the world "I did it!! My script is finished!!"

My advise – Don't. Don't print it and don't distribute free copies to family members and close friends. Why? because your creation is still a long way from being completed. Now you got to put it aside for at least a month or even more. Try to put it out of your mind as if you never wrote it. Let the script breathe for one month before you look at it again. Now read it. You will then realize that your first draft is not exactly a masterpiece. Scenes and dialogues have to be changed or deleted in whole or partly. Some of them are pure shit. You can't believe that you were the one to create them. Why does it happen after a month? The lapse of time gives us a much better perspective of the script. A distance. You were detached from it for a certain period and can now be much more realistic. The first draft is written from the guts. All your feelings – and fewer thoughts – are in it.

You are now ready to start rewriting the 2nd draft which is very painful process to a writer. Writing the 1st draft you fell in love with your words and now you realize that in order to make it a better script you got to be merciless and delete scenes and dialogues. I had a 100 pages script which I thought – after the 1st draft – was great. 30 pages were deleted when I worked on the 2nd draft to be replaced by other 10 pages. As a result the script looked much better and tighter.

How many drafts should you write ? No one can tell you that because the rewriting goes on even during the shooting of the film. But you still have a very long way to go before your script reaches the shooting stage. In Hollywood each draft of the script has a different color. In some scripts they ran out of colors. But do not let this discourage you because the roads from the 2nd draft to the other ones are much easier. It is a matter of fine tuning – just like a car.

The pros and cons of getting your mba online

Times today, most people would like to earn more than what theyre getting. Its only practical that they do. Some of them resort to sideline work to earn a little bit of extra. But there are others who decide to pursue a master of business administration or MBA degree.

There are a lot of opinions circulating on this matter. Some feel that once they have an MBA written on their curriculum vitae, it could bag them a better or higher paying job. While some feel that experience, not just education, is the key. These are the ones who prefer to have years in the workplace, rather than spend it in an academic institution.

So why not get the most out of both worlds right? Some enroll online for their MBA and they do this while they are working. Thats because they dont actually intend to transfer jobs. They just want to continue earning while they are pursuing an education that could provide a secure and more financially stable future.

Applying for an online MBA is also suggested to parents who stay at home most of the time to take care of the children and to manage the house. If you think about it, pursuing an MBA online is quite beneficial to the individual because he gets to do more without sacrificing much.

Come to think of it, MBAs are beneficial for those who have been employed for more than 3 to 4 years. There is truth to the belief that having experienced the working atmosphere, the employee knows better on the subject and not just those that are taught on paper.

Those who pursue MBA right after college are sometimes encouraged. But then realistically speaking, it is better if they do go out there in the real world first before they enroll themselves in another university.

When making a major decision in life such as pursuing an MBA online or not, its better to make a pros and cons list. We have provided you with such:


1. It will help you in staying competitive. An MBA gives the student an edge. If an employer is looking for someone to work under him, naturally he prefers someone who has an MBA. Another edge of applying online for an MBA helps you to gain experience in the work place and still learn more about businesses, marketing and other fiscal transactions in your free time. Thus, you are not in the losing end when you apply for a position you both have the education and the experience.

2. It doesnt matter if you pursued it online or not. Statistics show that those who have MBA degrees have high-paying positions in management. It also shows that they are getting higher salaries.

3. Obviously, pursuing an online degree, the advantage is that the student can be located anywhere in the world and that wouldnt be a problem whatsoever. The student interacts with the faculty through email. His schedule is under his own control. As long as he passes the requirements, then there wouldnt be any problem.


1. Online or not, pursuing an MBA is expensive. The irony is that those who usually go for MBA are people who need additional income. The reason why they need additional income is that they have a family to support. IF they would really want to sign up for a class, even if its online, they would have to really ponder on the matter whether they can shell out that much cash. How much would they gain from this investment?

2. Because there is no monitoring, the student tends to be lax when it comes to submitting papers and needed requirements. If there is no self-discipline, then this will not work.

3. As convenient as getting MBA online is to this modern world, there are still some successful and high-paying companies who prefer the traditional classroom set-up. That is something the student must also bear in mind.

If the person is determined to pursue an online MBA degree then he has to carefully look into the universities who offer the best and trusted accredited quality education. The University of Phoenix is one.

In the end, its always the persons choice. Also, thatever decision he comes up with, there would always be pros and cons, but then again, how can you gain something when you are not willing to invest?

Friday, February 26, 2016

Healthy bathrooms healthy families

If you think the bathroom is the busiest room in your house, you may be more right than you know. According to the experts at the health Web site WebMD, the average bathroom contains thousands of germs and viruses-ranging from E. coli bacteria to the rhinovirus linked to colds and flu.

Of course, that doesn't mean you have to lock your family out of the bathroom, even when it's unoccupied. Just follow a few tips:

Healthy Smiles

First off, store your toothbrush properly to ensure you keep it-and its user-as germ-free as possible. Be sure to keep it up on a countertop, away from the sink and toilet to prevent airborne contamination from splashing water. Also, don't store toothbrushes together in close quarters (a toothbrush cup in a cabinet, for example). Doing so can increase the odds of germs spreading from brush to brush. Be sure to regularly change your toothbrush, too. For example, there is a toothbrush called Oral-B Pulsar that can make remembering easy. It looks like a normal toothbrush, but it uses a battery to power its pulsating bristles that clean deep between teeth. The battery dies after three or four months of use-roughly the same amount of time dentists say you should keep a toothbrush. When the battery goes, the toothbrush should go, too.

Raising The Bar

Experts also say there is some evidence that liquid soap may be more sanitary than bar soap. Bar soap can hold residue from soap dishes and bacteria from the person who used it last. Liquid soaps, such as Ivory Liquid Hand Cleanser, come in self-contained pumps that keep soap fresh and pure. Also, gentle liquid soaps are ideal for teaching kids proper hand washing techniques. Children should know to wash their hands for about 20 seconds (or as long as it takes them to sing their ABC's) at least four times a day, and always after using the bathroom.

Throw In The Towel

Bathroom towels should be hung up to dry immediately after use and regularly washed in hot water with detergent. Tide liquid detergent, for example, can help prevent germs from building up and towels from smelling musty. You may also want to limit the amount of towel sharing that goes on in your house. Encourage each family member to use his or her own towel.

Brush Up On Health-Changing your toothbrush regularly could help protect you from germs.

Bowling safety playing out of harm s way

There are so many great things about bowling that many people are lured to play the game.

Almost anyone who is interested in sports would probably want to try to bowl. In fact, even those who do not have any particular interest in other sports enjoy this one because bowling is so easy to play that anyone can enjoy it.

No wonder almost 50 million people play this game in the United States, with over 6 million bowlers who are determined enough to join leagues or other competitions.

With so many people playing it is important to know something about bowling safety. Many players tend to overlook the safety procedures that need to be used when playing the game. Neglecting the safety rules in the bowling alley could cause serious injury, whether playing or observing. Therefore, it is important to know the safety rules when playing the game.

Here are some of the things that each player must try to observe in order to avoid serious injuries.

1. Warm-up exercises

Basically, it is important to have for warm-up exercises before playing the sport. This is a universal rule for every player in whatever sport he or she is participating.

It is important to stretch those muscles in order to avoid serious injuries like "pulled" or torn muscles.

2. Wear the proper bowling shoes

It is important for every bowler to use the right bowling shoes. This will prevent unnecessary slips that cause strained muscles whenever the player has to "slide-step" as he or she "bowls."

3. Never use one hand in handling the ball

This can create strains of the player's hands and back. Statistical reports show that 7 out of 10 players use only one hand which is why this is considered the most common mistake of every bowler. Besides, a 16-pound ball is relatively heavy to pick with just one hand, right?

4. Never intersect on the "foul line"

Usually, before the game starts, the lane is lubricated, so if a player crosses the "foul line" or the sides of the lane, the player accumulates oil on his shoes making them slippery. A fall may occur that could cause serious injury.

These are just some of the many safety rules that every bowler must know. Without understanding these safety rules, injury and accidents in the bowling lane will be inevitable.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Make you re search stop here

SEO Delhi the Meta description text is used to display a short description of the web page which is listed in the search result by search engines. The Meta description text should be attractive and meaningful so that it could be give exact information about site services. It is very important from key words inclusion angle as well for the search engine to index it first and perform a key word matching with it. Also bear in mind that this text is displayed along with the site title in the SERPs. Hence it is the first introduction that visitors will read about you. In SEO Delhi with out Meta key words Tag e-fuzion Tag can get top ranking as Meta keywords Tag is less important, as far as search engines now as it has been flagrantly spammed. SEO Delhi Company (e-fuzion) contains Meta Tag key words and key phrases separated by coma are that users may search. Keyword must not be repeated in the Meta keywords Tag more than three times and one must not repeat any key word one after the other. Keywords should be listed in order of importance. Size preferences for Meta key word Tags are not same for all search engines.

SEO Delhi Company (e-fuzion) discusses it by taking suitable examples, MSN, will accept a Meta keyword Tag up to different characters long, while hotbot indicates small number of characters. However, some top-ranking pages of Hotbot’s in various categories used Meta key word Tags which much larger than 75 characters. So SEO Delhi Company (e-fuzion) using large numbers characters which can be used as guideline. The key words and key phrases usage in header Tags is very powerful in SEO. As headlines makes a page easier to read and helps in rapidly finding required information, it saves time.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

How to save money and get discount long term health care in nevada

As the population ages, with baby boomers reaching old age at the rate of 11,000 each day, the need to save money and get discount long term health care in Nevada has never been greater.

According to government figures, just over half of all Nevada residents who lived past the age of 65 will need some form of long term health care at some point in their life. Depending on how long such care is needed, and how extensive the required care is, the cost for such care can be devastating for the average person.

Many Nevadans erroneously believe that all of their long term health care needs will be taken care of by the state or federal government once they reach the magical age of 65. This is not really true.

The federal Medicare program has almost no provision for long term health care support, and while Nevada’s state-run Medicaid program does have a provision for limited long term health care benefits, the requirements for receiving such aid require the recipient to have exhausted all of their own resources first, and even then the choice of facilities and the types of care offered are limited and may not be adequate or the best available.

A better alternative is to purchase private long term health care insurance. And the sooner you purchase it the better. Why? Because premiums increase with age, so the younger you are – 40 is now the recommended age – when you take out your long term policy the lower your premiums will be.

Before you go online and begin researching and comparing the costs of long term health care from a variety of different providers it will serve you well to arm yourself with a few basic assumptions.

First, what kind of long term care are you looking for and what dollar amount of benefits do you anticipate needing. It makes a difference in the cost of your long term health insurance whether you anticipate needing round-the-clock nursing home care, or whether you need weekly or daily in-home help with your requirements for daily living – such as dressing and bathing yourself, preparing meals and so forth.

You’ll also have to choose the total dollar amount of care you will be receiving. Some policies put a cap on the overall dollar amount they will pay over the lifetime of the policy – others put a cap on monthly or even weekly pay-outs.

If there is a history of Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s disease in your family, or cancer or any other illness which can leave you debilitated for years, then take that into consideration when choosing your policy.

Your Elimination Period will be a big factor in the cost of your long term health care. An Elimination Period is simply insurance-speak for your deductible – in other words, how much of your own money are you willing to spend for long term health care before the insurance policy takes over – the longer your Elimination Period the less your premiums will be.

Long term health care is not something most people choose to think about, but it is an unfortunate fact of life for many thousands of Nevadans, but by doing your homework and comparing policies and prices online, it is possible to still save money and get discount long term health care in Nevada.

Aromatherapy massage

Have you ever wondered what your life would be like if you lacked the ability to smelling. Sure, it whitethorn not seem as difficult as trying to navigate a room while blindfolded, or attempting to perform daily tasks without using your thumbs, but you would still be missing a lot. For one thing, your common sense of taste would go come out of the closet the window, too. For another, your brain is wired to interpret signals from your olfactory center to tell you what pleasures or hazards English hawthorn be lurking in your surroundings.

In fact, you could say that much of what you know about the world, and how you relate to it, depends on your good sense of olfactory property. Olfaction is the only gumption fully developed at birth in humans, and it plays an important role in an infant's ability to recognize and bond with his or her mother. Even the "chemistry" felt between two adults Crataegus laevigata be prompted by aroma. Scientists rich person identified substances called pheromones in human consistency olfactory property that act as chemical messengers to the brain to stimulate, among other responses or behaviors, sexual attraction to a potential mate.

With at least 5 million odor-sensing cells lining the nasal bone passages, the nozzle seems to be well-equipped to observe smells on its own. Merely, approximately scientists speculate that, like other animals, citizenry Crataegus oxycantha also wealthy person a os nasale sensory device known as a vomeronasal organ that helps them to find these subtle fragrance molecules. There's little doubt that certain odors tin give birth a direct impact on the way we think and feel. The odour of freshly baked bread, for example, May conjure up fond memories of home and hearth. Other scents, such as floral or spicy aromas, induce a romantic mood.

So recognized is this impression that many European and Asian facilities ar investing in "indirect perfuming" to enhance productivity in the workplace and to promote recovery in hospitals. Continued from page 1. As Miczak points , "Having something used on you that has a aroma that you find personally pleasing tin can sometimes give a better force than essential oils indicated for rub down." According to Miczak, the about common oils used in knead bergamot, rose, chamomile, frankincense, geranium, lilac, neroli, and sandalwood -- "mostly because they non-irritating to skin and pleasing to almost multitude." If you're just starting buying essential oils, Kirby recommends just about of the more common oils such as , rosemary, peppermint, and ginger. Simply, choose whatever scents do the all but to relax and comfort, or energize, you. Just follow your olfactory organ. The following manufacturers supply good quality aromatherapy grade oils that toilet be found in your local health food store: Earth Harmony; Aroma Vera; Tisserand; and Aura Cacia (to name a few).

Monday, February 22, 2016

Discover buca di beppo in pasadena california

Do you like hearty Southern Italian food served in hugh portions? Do you like to eat untill you are stuffed and still have a ton of leftovers to take home? Do you like to eat where everything is delicious, fresh and well prepared? Do you like thick aromatic sauses on your spaghetti and other pastas and meats? Do you like a highly varied menu? Do you like a noisy, brightly lit family style restaurant where it seems like one big constant party? Do you like restaurant employees, servers and supervisors that treat you like a member of the family? Do you want to go where you can dress casual or dressy and not stand out either way? Do you want a restaurant where they love kids and want everyone to enjoy themselves? If the foregoing sounds good, then you will love the Buca di Beppo Italian Restaurant in Old Town, Pasadena, California. By the way, the management are very attentive and if you become unhappy about anything let them know and they will do their best to make things right.

I normally prefer small quiet dimly lit restaurants where I can relax and have a quiet conversation with my wife and or guests, however the food and service are so good at this Buca di Beppo that anytime I crave Southern Italian food, this is the place that I pick. Additionally, my wife and I can invite two to serveral guests, treat and not break the bank. At first glance portion prices seem fairly high, however each portion can feed two to three people with plenty of food left over for our guests to take home. Our biggest problem is deciding which entrees to order. They are all so good. Note: This is an extremely good place to hold a birthday party or office function.

If there are just two of you, you may wish to try eating on their rather small patio and do some people watching, or you may want to eat at their kitchen table which holds up to six people, which of course is in the kitchen. This is a very popular table and it is almost impossible to obtain without a reservation.

This restaurant is located at 80 West Green Street, Pasadena, CA 91105 on the corner of DeLacy and Green streets, kitty corner from the Twin Palms Restaurant and at the edge of the Pasadena Old Town district. There is not much in the way of street parking but there is a large parking garage on Delacy between the Twin Palms and the JJ Steak House Restaurants. Reservations are not required for regular seating but this place is extremely popular and reservations are a good idea. Buca's telephone number is (626) 792-7272.

After eating you might find it a good idea to walk off some of that food by taking a stroll through Old Town. The Old Town district has plenty to see and do. Visit the boutiques and shops, check out an art gallery, take in a movie, go dancing at one of the night spots, watch everyone else or if you manage to walk off some calories have coffee and a pastry at one of the sidewalk restaurants or bakeries.

For a directory of restaurants and restaurant reviews in the city of Pasadena, California see pasadena. usacitydirectories. com/restaurants. html, a directory listing Pasadena restaurants alphabetically and by category or type with reviews written by restaurant customers.

What are bad credit personal loans

Bad Credit Personal Loans have not only been designed to provide consumers with a personal loan despite their bad credit issues but these loans can also help you to get your credit back in good standing. Personal loans for people with bad credit can be used for any (personal) purpose and you can usually get your money in hand faster than a regular loan.

With the on-line availability of these types of loans you can avoid the hassles of going to different loan institutions when comparing personal loans. It is pretty easy with the aid of the internet, you can apply safely online at literally 100's of lender websites. The interest rate charged by personal loan lenders may very depending on the type of bad credit personal loan you choose.

Secured Personal Loans

Secured bad credit personal loans are probably going to be the best choice because they can be taken on any amount (depending on your collateral) and their approval time is usually quite fast. Two choices for personal loans for bad credit are: one offers you fixed interest rate and the other, variable interest rates. Secured bad credit personal loans are usually easier to obtain than unsecured, if you have bad credit. The market for secured personal loans is getting larger every day. The rates of interest on secured loans are getting lower and lower because of the increase in the number of lenders and if you shop around you can find some incredible deals.

Unsecured Personal Loans

The Unsecured type of bad credit personal loans usually come with a much higher interest rate than what you can get with secured bad credit loans. The best part with bad credit unsecured personal loans is that you don’t have to put up collateral (your house or car etc...) and be at risk of being repossessed if something happens and you default on the loan. The better your credit rating is, the better interest rates you will be getting for bad credit personal loans.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Where did the window boxes go

I just happen to love window boxes and miss seeing them in the more modern neighborhoods these days. My neighbors who lived across the street from us had just painted their older rather plain, small house a medium gray with white trim. Clean, but boring I thought. With two large windows on each side of the front door, I had visions of painting the front door red and adding 2 red window boxes beneath those windows. Talk about adding some impact!

Window boxes can take a plain nondescript house and give it the look of a charming country cottage in no time. Window boxes are also particularly wonderful when you are limited for planting space in a small yard. You can fill them with low growing and trailing flowers, vines or even herbs. You may be hard put to find ready-made window boxes at your local garden store these days, but they are still available online.

If you want to make your own window boxes, cedar or redwood would be the wood of choice. If you can't find some kind of a plastic or metal liner to fit, I would further protect the wood by lining the boxes with plain old tarpaper before adding the planting mix. You can then mount them to the window frames with the proper sized brackets. Your neighborhood hardware store can guide you in the right direction.

Make sure you drill some holes in he bottom of the window boxes for good drainage and water daily during the summer months. Once every few weeks are so, add some fertilizer for container plants, then sit back and enjoy beautiful blooms from both the outside and inside of the house.

Some good flower choices for window boxes would be geraniums, marigolds, trillium, alyssum, and any other low growing flowers that love the sun. For the shady side of the house, try fuchsias or the beautiful non-stop begonias. Some useful herb choices would include chives, rosemary, parsley and thyme. If you like fresh mint, don't plant any other herb in that particular window box as the mint will take over all other plants.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

A car bicycle rack on a budget

Getting the best price on your car bicycle rack will take some time and comparisons. You will like knowing that you received the best deal possible for your car bicycle rack.

A car bicycle rack that is discounted or on sale can be a great treasure to find. New bikers may think that a car bicycle rack is not needed, but they will quickly find that this one piece of equipment can be as important as the bicycle itself. If you cannot get your bike to different locations to ride, then you may find that you will not bike as often. By purchasing a car bicycle rack, you will be able to ride anywhere you choose.

Boredom is the most common reason that people give up a particular type of exercise. If you are riding the same path every day, then you may find that this routine becomes humdrum and boring. By purchasing a car bicycle carrier, you will have the option of riding any number of bike paths in your area and in surrounding areas to help decrease the boredom quotient.

The great thing is that this equipment doesn’t have to be very expensive. By checking the sales ads in local papers and on the Internet, you may be able to find a car bicycle rack that easily fits your budget. All you need to do is bide your time until you find one that will work for you and your billfold.

When you are starting a new sport, buying equipment can sometimes be very costly. By watching sales and ads in the paper, you will find that you can find a very good price on equipment. You only have to be willing to wait until you can find equipment that you need.

Finding a car bicycle rack on sale may take a few weeks, especially if you want one that is high quality. A high quality car bicycle rack will save you money in the long run, however, because it will be more durable than an inferior one that may cost a few dollars less.

It is quite irritating when you buy an item and they see it on sale or discounted at another store the next day. You can return it to the first store, if you haven’t put it on your automobile yet, but if you had simply looked around before making your purchase, then you could have save yourself time, money, and irritation. That is why it is so important to do your research first before shelling out any money.

The internet is a great resource for finding prices for car bicycle racks. It can be done anytime of the night or day and you do not have to leave your house to price check. Make sure that you also read the ads in the newspaper, both personal and sales ads and see if your neighborhood bike shop has a mailing list. All of these are ways to find the right price for your car bicycle rack.

If you do your research, you can save yourself money on your car bicycle rack. Then you can use that money for other equipment or for a bicycle tour. Doesn’t that sound like a plan?

Friday, February 19, 2016

3 ways for driving traffic to your website

You need targeted internet traffic and sales for your online business to survive. Here are three ways through which you can increase traffic and boost sales to your website.

Your website is ready. It sits there while you wait for anyone to come to your site, check your products, and yes, hopefully, to order something! However, it has been months and you are getting really frustrated. Your products are not selling and you are losing money.

What you need is some internet traffic. Sadly, internet traffic doesn’t just come without you working on the advertising and marketing aspect of your e-business. If you would just keep on waiting for any traffic, your website would end up buried by your competitor’s websites.

Your ultimate goal is to generate targeted market traffic. You are aiming for gaining your target consumers’ interest and drive them to your website. There are many ways that you could use to generate traffic. Below are three ways that you can employ.

Number 1: Search Engine Optimization

If people search through major search engines, type in natural keywords and your website comes up, chances are you could expect more website traffic than you could handle. This is your ultimate goal -- ranking heavily on every search engine in the internet.

However, this does not happen overnight. It takes a lot of time and effort in order to achieve this objective. Your aim is to make your presence felt and known in the internet by becoming one of the top sites in the results page when a keyword query is made. As such, you could try filling your website with articles reflecting the relevant keywords.

Remember though that SEO takes time. It is advisable, therefore, to employ multiple methods to generate more web traffic. However, you could always try buying traffic from vendors to generate website hits. You could buy traffic with Google’s and Yahoo’s pay-per-click program. What you do is determine and identify your target market’s possible keywords and bid for these words or phrases. This may be costly but it would generate hits. Of course, it doesn’t end there. You have to keep your customer’s interest with an interesting website to begin with.

Number 2: Syndicate your site

There are many websites that would allow feed burning. You would have to create Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds that would link your content and blog to other websites.

Make sure that you are providing informative and interesting information in your blog, though. RSS feeds may increase website hits but they will not generate profit or sales leads, if in truth, your website is bland and boring

Number 3: Create useful, informative and interesting article content

Again, it doesn’t matter if your website is generating thousands of hits. It also doesn’t matter if suddenly, your website is generating more traffic than you could handle. What is really important is that you are earning profit out of this traffic.

You need to provide your prospective customers with quality web content. The content should be responsive to their need. Write as many articles as you can or hire someone to write them for you if you want. You must provide your customers information on how to solve their problems. Keep your articles fresh, updated and relevant to your customer’s needs or problems.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Construction loans

Before you sell yourself short, talk to a mortgage company. Many lenders are more than happy to lend you money for a lucrative project, because it means profitable business for them too. Construction loans are the backbone of many mortgage company portfolios, and if you own a vacant lot that has market value, lenders will normally lend you money based on the collateral of the vacant lot. You get cash to build a new house, and after you sell the completed project you can pay back the loan and pocket the profits.

Other construction loans allow you to borrow money from the builder's own sources, in the same way that you might borrow money from an auto dealer to pay for the car you buy from them. Construction companies with their own mortgage sources may charge you higher interest rates, however, than conventional lenders.

Shop around for construction loans. More often than not, deciding on a builder and the best source of funds will take longer than it actually takes to build the house, but it is time well spent. A few interest rate points can make a difference of thousands, or hundreds of thousands of dollars. Talk to lots of lenders and buil

For more read at marylandrealestatesecrets. com

An attitude change is the biggest change you will ever make

You may have heard it said before that an attitude change is easy. All you have to do is change everything about yourself. As crazy as it seems, it’s the truth. A change in your attitude will eventually involve everything about you. It’s easy and yet, the fact that you have to keep at it day after day after day is what makes it really hard. An attitude change requires a long term perseverance that few people have. That’s what makes it the biggest change you will ever make.

Attitude changes typically take place when something monumental happens in a person’s life that suddenly makes them see everything differently. This may be a near-death experience or some kind of tragedy that they weren’t expecting. People begin to see that life is extremely fragile and they begin to think that maybe the real meaning of life is contained in something other than the things they used to value so much. They begin to change their values to and to approach life from a new perspective about what is truly important. It doesn’t have to be a tragedy or a near-death experience, however, which brings this about. An attitude change can take place simply because you decide that you want to make yourself into a better person and you are determined to make that happen.

One of the most common reasons for bringing about an attitude change, besides a tragedy or near-death experience is the simple fact that a person becomes fed up with the life they have been living. They no longer see themselves as a worthwhile individual and they want to feel good about themselves again. Maybe it was just a little thing that went wrong in their life but it was somehow the straw that broke the camel’s back and now they are ready to really change their life. How do they get serious about this plan and make themselves actually stick to the new changes that they have in mind for themselves? What do they need to do to actually make this attitude change a reality?

One of the best ways to really make your attitude change stick is to join a group and make a commitment to go to that group several times a week in order to remind yourself about the changes you are trying to make. Other people can do wonders for your attitude and make you stick to the promises you have made for yourself simply because you feel more support from other people when you join a group. It really doesn’t matter who the people are in the group and whether you like them or not. This is not how an attitude change works. The change takes place because you make a commitment to make friends with some new people who are trying to do the same thing as you are trying to do; i. e. improve you life! You go to the group, not because the people are so great or you love them so much. You go to the group because you are trying to make yourself a better person and you know that you can’t really do it on your own. This is called humility and it is a primary ingredient in bringing about an attitude change in anyone.

You have to be able to admit that you can’t do everything on your own. People don’t become educated doctors or lawyers on their own. They go to school and classes to achieve this. Similarly, you can’t change your attitude and become a new person on your own. You need other people! If you are serious about making an attitude change in yourself, you will make a commitment to join a group and start working toward your goal with others who are also interested in the same thing. There are thousands of groups out there and you can find one that fits the interests you have to make a change. Attitude change is easy but it takes concerted effort over a long period of time. What better way to devote yourself to this long term goal than to try out a new group and make a commitment to help out each week. You will surely be on the road to success once you have made that decision!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

How to lower the cost of your home insurance

While home insurance is a necessity it can be expensive. However, there are certain factors you can take into account which could help you make savings on your home insurance premiums.

Perhaps one of the biggest savings you can make when your policy comes up for renewal is by shopping around or get a specialist broker to investigate. Complacency is the biggest reason why people pay more for their insurance than they need to. Don’t just automatically renew your policy without first looking to see if you can get a cheaper deal. While this is the easiest option, it can also be the costliest.

Secondly, if you have access to the internet you will probably be able to make bigger savings by shopping and buying your home insurance online. By shopping online and using a brokerage you are able to get access to many more companies than you otherwise would. Most online companies will provide you with a discount for buying online as it reduces their paperwork and processing so they pass some of that saving back to you!

The easiest way to lower your premiums are to make sure you answer honestly any questions relating to your current health, if you are a smoker or not and if you have burglar alarms and smoke alarms installed. With the latter, this can also save you money on your premiums.

The amount of excess you are willing to pay will also have an effect on your premium. The more excess you pay, the lower your premium can be. Other small considerations which you can make include joining a neighbourhood watch scheme and having good quality locks installed on your doors and windows.

Never be tempted to go for what seems like a great deal solely on the premium however, remember that the amount you are covered for also counts as does the type of policy you choose.

The magic lamp and generic viagra

Aladdin was happily spending marvellous days in his residence with the gorgeous member of the royal family. Life had become very easy for him and he was stress-free and satisfied. The castle was large and he had many employees to offer his every whim.

The girl was very naughty, however. Sex, sex, sex, that was all she shouted every morning and though this had been wonderful to begin with, he finished tired of her sexual orders. Thus to his great disappointment there had been a few moments, occasions , events, incidents necessitate her.

She had taken it well but he knew that she would be making efforts to get him beside her, in to the sack as soon as she could. He wanted to rest! He liked the sex and he admired her but he was exhausted and Little Aladdin was dreadfully needing a night off to recuperate his health.

It was not to be and once the maids left, she pounced again and caressed his neck kissing and nibbling.

Shall I caress your magic lamp and see what the genie offers me tonight,” she giggled sexily.

“The genie! Yes, of course,” he shouted, letting her fall down the floor rushing to the clandestine room where he kept the magic lamp. “I’ll be back!”

The sprite was bored and indolent but hadn’t seen Aladdin for ages so he paused in his monotony and bowed deeply.“sir” he intoned.

Aladdin explained his dilemma1, “so you see,” he finished, “I just need a medicine that will assist me to keep the princess sexually happy until I recover some energy.”

“What you demand is a month-long holiday,” said the genie, “But I suppose this might help.” With a magic movement he manufacture a small lozenge and said that it was called generic Viagra and that it would support him to keep have sexual activity he was required to report for duty.

Aladdin got the generic Viagra and swallowed it down immediately.

The genie handed him a generic Cialis to keep him going over the weekend and Aladdin dashed off with a hasty thank you.

The Spirit settled down to sleep; pleased he had fulfilled his duty.

the princess was angry but when she took pleasured in the gift she received that Aladdin had brought her, courtesy of the generic Viagra, she was delighted and kept him entertained with the passionate offers she had for him.

Aladdin was very pleased that he had a Magician, and was delighted that he could help him!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

knot with my thread - stringing choices for beading jewelry making

One very important lesson I learned is that there is no one, all-purpose (Universal) stringing material.

Here are the major stringing materials along with how and when to use each of them.

SILK THREAD: Silk has a wondrous “hand” (a soft, flexible feel). This thread comes in many sizes and colors. It comes packaged on spools, and “carded” with an attached needle. This is a classic stringing material and forms beautiful knots between pearls and beads. But, silk tends to be relatively fragile. It can stretch, be cut by abrasive beads, rot when wet, and pearls strung on silk should be re strung every few years. It is best to use silk when stringing pearls and lightweight, smooth-holed beads, only. A needle is necessary.

NYLON THREAD: (Nymo): This thread also comes in many sizes and colors. It comes packaged on spools, on bobbins, and “carded” with a needle attached. Nylon can be used where-ever silk can and is not as fragile. This material knots beautifully and can be used for pearl stringing, in some strung jewelry, seed beadwork, loom weaving, for Peyote and other specialty stitches, and heishi. Nylon stretches much less than silk, and it won’t rot when wet. Like silk, you shouldn’t use beads with sharp edged holes or that are heavy. When you use nylon thread, I would recommend you coat your thread with bee’s wax or “Thread HeavenTM “ before use to prevent it from fraying. A needle is necessary.

BONDED NYLON: This is a much stronger form of nylon thread. The strands are physically bonded together for extra strength and abrasion protection. Although it knots well, it doesn’t have the “hand” of silk. Bonded nylon comes in a variety of colors and smaller spools. Because of its abrasion resistance, you can use it with “hard”, more abrasive gem beads; in fact this comes close to being a “Universal Thread”. Brand names include: “Stringth” or “Silkon”. A needle is necessary, although you can put “Super Glue” on the end to form a “Self-needle”. This is a favorite beading material of mine.

FISHING LINE: This material is a hard, semi-rigid, single strand of plastic. It doesn’t knot well, and in time sunlight or ultraviolet light can cause it to weaken and fall apart. Fishing line is purchased on small spools and is sold in sporting goods stores. Personally, I use fishing line for two purposes. I use it to do my preliminary stringing while I am designing a necklace (I transfer the beads to a better material for the final product), and to string together “raw” strands of beads. There is no needle necessary. I would never use this material for a final beaded piece.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Re-programme the multi billion gigabyte pc between your ears and change your life

You can re-programme yourself to succeed.

You have been programmed from birth to become who and what you are today!

In the main you have allowed this to happen, either consciously or unconsciously.

If you are not completely satisfied with who and what you have become ...then change, re-programme yourself!

Your programming commenced at the moment of conception when your DNA was fused to your being. Your personal and unique DNA is the life behavioural platform with which you were launched into the world.

Compare this if you will to buying a brand new computer. Two folks may buy the same basic computer but from different resellers and so the basic configurations and software programmes pre-installed will be different even though these two computers have identical basic features.

These two computers then begin to be attacked by hackers, spammers, viruses and a whole host of other negative intrusions.

Now one of these folks had the presence of mind to install preventative software which stopped the vast majority of these attempted negative intrusions form being installed on their hard drive.

The other took no preventative action whatsoever and their PC became clogged up with a minefield of explosive devices just waiting to destroy their hard drive or at impair its' functionality dramatically.

A silly question really, with an obvious answer but which PC owner will get the best out of their computer?

So, you have this multi billion gigabyte PC between your ears. How well have you been programmimg it. What type of software programmes have you allowed to be installed?

Is yours overloaded with 'Games' sofware?

Is yours loaded with 'No fun and laughter' software?

Is yours loaded with 'Poor me' software?

Is yours loaded with 'Some day I'll' software?

Is your loaded with 'If only' software?

Is yours loaded with 'If it were not for them' software?

Has yours been seriously infected with a myriad of viruses?

Or are you blissfully unaware, as are most folks, of the huge damage done to your personal hard drive which is severely limiting your personal development?

If you live in the developed world then the odds are that if you are dissatisfied with your station in life it is because you have allowed the personal PC between your ears to be swamped with negative 'stuff'.

The good news is that you can do something about it!!!!! If that is you have the wish, the will and the self discipline to re-programme that personal PC of yours.

May I suggest that you take a look at e-trainme. com and complete the FREE Inner Mind Self Awareness Questionnaire. You will receive an instant report based on your individual answers. This report will extend to over 10,000 words and is completely FREE of any cost or obligation whatsoever.

The few minutes you set aside to complete this questionnaire may well be a life changing moment for you.

You have between your ears a personal PC with a multi-million gigabyte capacity just waiting to be re-programmed so you may live the life you seek.

Set about deleting the dysfunctional files which have slipped in over the years and start life anew.

Re-programme yourself for future happiness and enjoy whatever is for you, success.

You can re-programme yourself to succeed.

You have been programmed from birth to become who and what you are today!

In the main you have allowed this to happen, either consciously or unconsciously.

If you are not completely satisfied with who and what you have become ...then change, re-programme yourself!

Your programming commenced at the moment of conception when your DNA was fused to your being. Your personal and unique DNA is the life behavioural platform with which you were launched into the world.

Compare this if you will to buying a brand new computer. Two folks may buy the same basic computer but from different resellers and so the basic configurations and software programmes pre-installed will be different even though these two computers have identical basic features.

These two computers then begin to be attacked by hackers, spammers, viruses and a whole host of other negative intrusions.

Now one of these folks had the presence of mind to install preventative software which stopped the vast majority of these attempted negative intrusions form being installed on their hard drive.

The other took no preventative action whatsoever and their PC became clogged up with a minefield of explosive devices just waiting to destroy their hard drive or at impair its' functionality dramatically.

A silly question really, with an obvious answer but which PC owner will get the best out of their computer?

So, you have this multi billion gigabyte PC between your ears. How well have you been programming it? What type of software programmes have you allowed to be installed?

Is yours overloaded with 'Games' software?

Is yours loaded with 'No fun and laughter' software?

Is yours loaded with 'Poor me' software?

Is yours loaded with 'Some day I'll' software?

Is yours loaded with 'If only' software?

Is yours loaded with 'If it were not for them' software?

Has yours been seriously infected with a myriad of viruses?

Or are you blissfully unaware, as are most folks, of the huge damage done to your personal hard drive which is severely limiting your personal development?

If you live in the developed world then the odds are that if you are dissatisfied with your station in life it is because you have allowed the personal PC between your ears to be swamped with negative 'stuff'.

The good news is that you can do something about it!!!!!

If that is you have the wish, the will and the self discipline to re-programme that personal PC of yours.

Pivot points in forex mapping your time frame

It is useful to have a map and be able to see where the price is relative to previous market action. This way we can see how is the sentiment of traders and investors at any given moment, it also gives us a general idea of where the market is heading during the day. This information can help us decide which way to trade.

Pivot points, a technique developed by floor traders, help us see where the price is relative to previous market action.

As a definition, a pivot point is a turning point or condition. The same applies to the Forex market, the pivot point is a level in which the sentiment of the market changes from “bull” to “bear” or vice versa. If the market breaks this level up, then the sentiment is said to be a bull market and it is likely to continue its way up, on the other hand, if the market breaks this level down, then the sentiment is bear, and it is expected to continue its way down. Also at this level, the market is expected to have some kind of support/resistance, and if price can’t break the pivot point, a possible bounce from it is plausible.

Pivot points work best on highly liquid markets, like the spot currency market, but they can also be used in other markets as well.

Pivot Points

In a few words, pivot point is a level in which the sentiment of traders and investors changes from bull to bear or vice versa.

Why PP work?

They work simply because many individual traders and investors use and trust them, as well as bank and institutional traders. It is known to every trader that the pivot point is an important measure of strength and weakness of any market.

Calculating pivot points

There are several ways to arrive to the Pivot point. The method we found to have the most accurate results is calculated by taking the average of the high, low and close of a previous period (or session).

Pivot point (PP) = (High + Low + Close) / 3

Take for instance the following EUR/USD information from the previous session:

Open: 1.2386

High: 1.2474

Low: 1.2376

Close: 1.2458

The PP would be,

PP = (1.2474 + 1.2376 + 1.2458) / 3 = 1.2439

What does this number tell us?

It simply tells us that if the market is trading above 1.2439, Bulls are winning the battle pushing the prices higher. And if the market is trading below this 1.2439 the bears are winning the battle pulling prices lower. On both cases this condition is likely to sustain until the next session.

Since the Forex market is a 24hr market (no close or open from day to day) there is a eternal battle on deciding at white time we should take the open, close, high and low from each session. From our point of view, the times that produce more accurate predictions is taking the open at 00:00 GMT and the close at 23:59 GMT.

Besides the calculation of the PP, there are other support and resistance levels that are calculated taking the PP as a reference.

Support 1 (S1) = (PP * 2) – H

Resistance 1 (R1) = (PP * 2) - L

Support 2 (S2) = PP – (R1 – S1)

Resistance 2 (R2) = PP + (R1 – S1)

Where , H is the High of the previous period and L is the low of the previous period

Continuing with the example above, PP = 1.2439

S1 = (1.2439 * 2) - 1.2474 = 1.2404

R1 = (1.2439 * 2) – 1.2376 = 1.2502

R2 = 1.2439 + (1.2636 – 1.2537) = 1.2537

S2 = 1.2439 – (1.2636 – 1.2537) = 1.2537

These levels are supposed to mark support and resistance levels for the current session.

On the example above, the PP was calculated using information of the previous session (previous day.) This way we could see possible intraday resistance and support levels. But it can also be calculated using the previous weekly or monthly data to determine such levels. By doing so we are able to see the sentiment over longer periods of time. Also we can see possible levels that might offer support and resistance throughout the week or month. Calculating the Pivot point in a weekly or monthly basis is mostly used by long term traders, but it can also be used by short time traders, it gives us a good idea about the longer term trend.

S1, S2, R1 AND R2...? An Objective Alternative

As already stated, the pivot point zone is a well-known technique and it works simply because many traders and investors use and trust it. But what about the other support and resistance zones (S1, S2, R1 and R2,) to forecast a support or resistance level with some mathematical formula is somehow subjective. It is hard to rely on them blindly just because the formula popped out that level. For this reason, we have created an alternative way to map our time frame, simpler but more objective and effective.

We calculate the pivot point as showed before. But our support and resistance levels are drawn in a different way. We take the previous session high and low, and draw those levels on today’s chart. The same is done with the session before the previous session. So, we will have our PP and four more important levels drawn in our chart.

LOPS1, low of the previous session.

HOPS1, high of the previous session.

LOPS2, low of the session before the previous session.

HOPS2, high of the session before the previous session.

PP, pivot point.

These levels will tell us the strength of the market at any given moment. If the market is trading above the PP, then the market is considered in a possible uptrend. If the market is trading above HOPS1 or HOPS2, then the market is in an uptrend, and we only take long positions. If the market is trading below the PP then the market is considered in a possible downtrend. If the market is trading below LOPS1 or LOPS2, then the market is in a downtrend, and we should only consider short trades.

The psychology behind this approach is simple. We know that for some reason the market stopped there from going higher/lower the previous session, or the session before that. We don’t know the reason, and we don’t need to know it. We only know the fact: the market reversed at that level. We also know that traders and investors have memories, they do remember that the price stopped there before, and the odds are that the market reverses from there again (maybe because the same reason, and maybe not) or at least find some support or resistance at these levels.

What is important about his approach is that support and resistance levels are measured objectively; they aren’t just a level derived from a mathematical formula, the price reversed there before so these levels have a higher probability of being effective.

Our mapping method works on both market conditions, when trending and on sideways conditions. In a trending market, it helps us determine the strength of the trend and trade off important levels. On sideways markets it shows us possible reversal levels.

How we use our mapping method?

We at StraightForex ( straightforex. com) use the mapping method in three different ways: as a trend identification (measure of the strength of the trend), a trading system using important levels with price behavior as a trading signal and to set the risk reward ratio (RR) of any given trade based on where the is the market relative to the previous session.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Introduction to argentina soccer

Ok, you know all about the passion for soccer in Brazil from Ronaldinho's promo ads, but what about Argentina soccer? Why is it that a country that suffers and lives for soccer equally as the Brazilians don't get their fair share of spotlight time?

Admittedly, one of the reasons is its smaller trophy room in comparison to Brazil's (2 titles in 4 finals for Argentina, 5 titles in 7 finals for Brazil) but still...In order to do it justice, I decided to accustom you to football in Argentina.

Argentina soccer was organized in amateur or semi-professional local championships at the dawn of the 20th century and despite the fact that Argentina's national soccer team played its first match in 1901, don't think it was the same type of national team you would have today. Most of the players, spotted in the semi-professional championships formed up that 1930 World Cup finalist team, after which most of them returned to mediocrity.

In 1931, the first professional country-wide championship was instituted, although not all teams were affiliated to the national association. For example, only teams from Buenos Aires, Avellaneda and La Plata formed the championship structure in the first years, with teams from Santa Fe or Rosario joining later on.

This early championship called the Metropolitano did not allow other provincial teams to join and due to increasing demand, the Argentina soccer association finally created a fully nation-wide competition in 1967, called the Nacional.

For several years, the Nacional and Metropolitano championships were played separately. The Nacional was a 1-group championship, of which the six best teams would be eligible to take part in the Metropolitano next year. It would be until 1985 that Argentina soccer would hold this structure, after which the Nacional became the main championship.

In Argentina, football holds two "seasons" as of 1991, named the Clausura and Apertura (the closing and the opening), and played as two distinct single-round championships. Each year, relegation is calculated based on a three-year average and the 2 teams with the lowest average are relegated, with 2 teams with the highest three-year average from the lower division are promoted.

I have to admit, this system they adopted for football in Argentina was a bit weird at first and needed some getting used to. But I can also see the advantages of such a system.

There are 5 teams that have dominated Argentina soccer ever since the Metropolitano championship was created: River Plate, Independiente, Boca Juniors, San Lorenzo and Racing Club are fighting for the title of Champions each year, for the past 50 years or so.

Unfortunately, it's a case of "rich get richer" and smaller teams have less and less of a chance to be crowned as Argentina soccer champions, with these 5 (especially the first 3) dominating and monopolizing the competitions.

It's these 5 clubs that launched many of the greatest Argentina soccer players on the world stage, although most of them transferred to powerful European clubs after only a few years at their home clubs. A few noteworthy examples include Alfredo Di Stefano (River Plate), Diego Maradona (Boca Juniors), Juan Roman Riquelme (Boca Juniors), Daniel Passarela (River Plate), Esteban Cambiasso (Independiente) or Guillermo Franco (San Lorenzo).

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Why decaffeinated coffee was introduced

Being an avid drinker of coffee, I never could figure out the reason following decaffeinated coffee. People usually drink coffee or espresso for the caffeine fix, so I always wondered as to why anyone would drink decaffeinated coffee. Would it not just defeat the purpose of drinking coffee? However, I finally saw the light and managed to figure out why decaffeinated coffee existed. This helped me immensely to sustain some sort of extravagance during my pregnancy and I also found out that I was not drinking coffee just for the caffeine fix and that I quite rather liked the taste of different coffee types.

During my pregnancy I was one of those nutcases who had read up everything that could go wrong during a pregnancy and tried to avoid those possible causes like anything. For instance, I avoided aspartame only because they were unsure of the effects it might have on the baby and I stayed away from lunchmeat because it had a minute possibility of a listeria infection. Hence, when I got to know that caffeine had the possibility to cause miscarriages, I tried to avoid regular coffee. Now, to reach the parameters that were measured in the studies for miscarriages to happen, a person would have to drink at least three cups of coffee daily. However, after reading that I was scared enough to confine myself to drinking decaffeinated sodas and coffees.

When I was halfway through my pregnancy, there was an expose show on the T. V on whether the decaffeinated coffee that we order in restaurants and coffee shops are really decaffeinated or not. I knew that decaffeinated coffee was not totally void of the substance and had small traces of caffeine in it. I also knew that I was not taking in amounts that were close to regular coffee. However, in the T. V show they revealed that the caffeine levels in decaffeinated coffee was close to the levels of the caffeine in a regular brew. They also reveled that this was the situation in around sixty percent of the places. This happened mainly because the machines and pots were not properly cleaned before the next pot was used or because of cross brewing. This particular case would not affect most situations, but in cases where there are medical conditions this would have taken a serious turn.

It is a fact that this would truly affect my situation in any way and I also realize it. But, I am such a nutcase that I have completely cut out coffee (whether regular or decaffeinated) from my diet during my pregnancy. Unless I had brewed the coffee at home, I had totally removed caffeine free coffee during the fall and winter months. I should also say that during the last few months of my pregnancy this change had not helped my demeanor in any way.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Complete your vision with secured loans uk

Life form Secured Loans UK in nature, every concerned hopeful is required to offer an important quality that can be placed as equity against this loan. The security can be positioned in any form such as your home, property, commercially viable papers or car. Immediate conclusion loans are mostly meant to deal with the critical financial supplies of the laypeople. But, as far as the fee of notice is worried, it is habitually set by the lender according to the rate of the guarantee. It is indisputably a well confirmed detail that Secured Loans UK are more dependable and suitable to meet the challenges of monetary crunches than unsecured financial programs. But unluckily, not many people can enjoy this guidance due to the long and all-embracing loan procedure close to it. Serious documentation and days of confirmation are the other extra features of this protracted loan instrument. Therefore, in Secured Loans UK to soften these useless actions of the secured monetary aid, the experienced financial planners have now introduced a well designed format of direct conclusion secured loans that promises to offer an instant economic help in times of delicate disaster. It is vital that in Secured Loans UK the borrower understand the risks of the homeowner loans, and only obtain one when it is financially sensible. This can be challenging for a borrower that has a bad credit history, as he seemingly has demonstrated an inability to use debt reasonably and responsibly. It is important for a borrower with bad credit to consult with a mortgage expert and understand the facts and financial implications prior to risking his home. Lenders are usually more flexible with loans and rates for secured debt. By obtaining a lien next to the borrower's possessions, the lender knows that the borrower should be more aggravated to pay back their liability. What's more, if the borrower fails to repay the debt as outlined, the lender has at least some fiscal option based on the collateral property.

Because of the abridged hazard for the lender, most offer loans or programs for bad credit borrowers enthusiastic to offer their property as collateral. For some borrowers, this is an opportunity to consolidate superior rate debt.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

What is hgh

HGH is the acronym for Human Growth Hormone. It was discovered about a half century ago, but it wasn't until sometime in the 1970s that researchers and scientists actually figured out the role of HGH in the body. For those intervening years, HGH remained a mystery compound - though it had been isolated in the human body, it remained a mystery compound.

HGH is a protein compound, produced only in one part of the pituitary gland. Even after researchers knew the basics - that it's a protein and where the body produced it - there was debate over the role it played in the body. When researchers figured out that HGH had an important part in normal growth, the race was on to figure out what the role is and how it could be used to help those who faced issues with growth.

It's not a huge step between learning the role of HGH and using it as a therapy for children who weren't growing at a normal rate. Increasing the amount of HGH for those children who otherwise might not have grown enough to do the things normal adults do - drive a car, for example - became a way to positively impact the lives of those youngsters. But the early days of those treatments were limited by researchers' ability to successfully reproduce the HGH compound.

At first, HGH was first only available by collecting the HGH compound from the pituitary glands of cadavers. After extraction, the natural human growth hormone had to be processed and injection was the only way to introduce additional HGH into a person who needed it. This type of human growth hormone supplement therapy was expensive, time consuming and limited. Only medical professionals could decide who should undergo HGH therapy, and the known benefits were limited.

One of the first things learned about HGH is that it's in the body of young children - in abundance. As people aged, the HGH in their body decreased. While that sounds like a natural step in the course of aging, someone soon thought to question whether increasing the amount of HGH in the body would be beneficial also to older people.

HGH isn't the only compound in the body that decreases as we age. You've probably heard of some of the other proteins that are abundant in young people but less abundant as we age. Estrogen, progesterone and testosterone are among those compounds that are sometimes supplemented to help older people feel younger and healthier. The HGH protein compound is similarly beneficial as a dietary supplement.

But why would HGH be beneficial to an adult? After all, most adults are trying to lose weight, not grow, right? Actually, HGH has been found to help other adult issues as well. Anti aging is one of the benefits of HGH in adults. It can also increase energy and improve stamina.

HGH supplements and HGH products are now available as HGH dietary supplements, so that you can take an HGH releaser as part of your daily supplement regimen.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes

Izetbegovic, the late nominal president of the nominal Bosnian state, the darling of the gullible western media, denied that he and his cronies and his cronies' cronies stole 40% of all civilian aid targeted at Bosnia - a minor matter of 1 billion US dollars and change, in less than 4 years. The tribes of the Balkans stop bleeding each other to death only when they gang up to bleed another. In this, there are no races and no traces - everyone is equal under the sign of the dollar. Serbs, Bosnians and Croats divided the loot with the loftiest of egalitarian instincts. Honour among thieves transformed into honour among victims and their murderers. Mammon is the only real authority in this god forsaken, writhing rump of a country.

And not only there.

In Russia, billions (3 to 5) were transferred to secret off shore bank accounts to be "portfolio managed" by mysterious fly-by-night entities. Many paid with their jobs when the trail led to the incestuous Yeltsin clan and their byzantine court.

Convoys snake across the mountainous Kosovo, bringing smuggled goods at exorbitant prices to the inhabitants of this parched territory - all under the avuncular gaze of multinational peacekeepers.

In Romania, Hungary and Greece, UN forces have been known to take bribes to allow goods into besieged Serbia. Oil, weapons and strategic materials, all slid across this greasy channel of the international brotherhood of cash.

A lot of the aid, ostensibly intended to ameliorate the state of refugedom imposed upon the unsuspecting, harried population of Kosovo - resurfaced in markets, white and black, across the region. Food, blankets, tents, electrical equipment, even toys - were on offer in bazaars from Skopje to Podgorica and from Sofia to Thessaloniki, replete with the stamps of the unwitting donors. Aid workers scurried back and forth in expensive utility vehicles, buzzing mobile phones in hand and latest model, officially purchased, infrared laptops humming in the air conditioned coolness of their five star hotel rooms (or fancy apartments). In their back pockets they safeguarded their first class tickets (the food is better and the stewardesses ...). The scavengers of every carnage, they descended upon this tortured land in redundant hordes, feeding off the misery, the autoimmune deficiency of the syndrome of humanism.

Ask yourselves: how could one of every 3 dollars - 50% of GNP - be stolen in a country the size of a tiny American state - without the knowledge and collaboration of the international organizations which ostensibly manage this bedlam? Why did the IMF renew the credit lines to a Russia which cheated bold-facely regarding its foreign exchange reserves? How was Serbia awash and flush with oil and other goods prohibited under the terms of the never-ending series of embargoes imposed upon it?

The answer is that potent cocktail of fear and graft. First came fear - that Russia will collapse, that the Balkans will spill over, that Bosnia will disintegrate. Nuclear nightmares intermingled with Armenian and Jewish flashbacks of genocide. The west shut its eyes tight and threw money at the bad spirits of irredentism and re-emergent communism. The long arm of the USA, the "international" financial institutions, collaborated in constructing the habit forming dole house that Eastern and Southern Europe has become. This conflict-reticence, these approach-avoidance cycles led to an inevitable collusion between the ruling mob families that pass for regimes in these parts of the planet - and the unilateral institutions that pass for multilateral ones in the rest of it. An elaborate system of winks and nods, the sign language of institutional rot and decaying governance, took over. Greasy palms clapped one another with the eerie silence of conspiracy. The world looked away as both - international financial institutions and corrupt regimes - robbed their constituencies blind. This was perceived to be the inevitable moral cost of stability. Survival of the majority entailed the filthy enrichment of the minority. And the west acquiesced.

But this grand design backfired. Like insidious bacteria, corruption breeds violence and hops from host to host. It does not discriminate, this plague of black conscience, between east and west. As it infected the indigenous, it also effected their guardians. They were all engulfed by raging greed, by a degradation of the inhibitions and by the intoxicating promiscuity of lawlessness. Inebriated by their newly found powers, little ceasars - natives and financial colonialists - claimed their little plots of crime and avarice, a not so secret order of disintegration of the social fabric. A ghoulish landscape, shrouded in the opaque mist of the nomenclature, the camaraderie of the omnipotent.

And corruption bred violence. The Chicago model imported lock, stock and the barrel of the gun. Former cronies disappeared mysteriously, bloated corpses in stale hotel rooms - being the only "contracts" honoured. Territories were carved up in constant, unrelenting warfare. One billion dollars are worth a lot of blood and it was spilled with glee, with the enthusiasm of the inevitable, with the elation of gambling all on a single spin of the Russian roulette.

It is this very violence that the west tried to drown with its credits. But unbeknownst to it, this very violence thrived on these pecuniary fertilizers. A plant of horrors, it devoured its soil and its cultivators alike. And 120,000 people paid with their lives for this wrong gamble. Counting its losses, the west is poised to spin the wheel again. More money is amassed, the dies are cast and more people cast to die.

Enjoy fun-filled adventure on a family vacation cruise

Cruises aren't only for romance, adults, and college kids. You can take your entire family on a cruise and have just as much fun as you would on any vacation. Many cruise ships today offer family cruise packages with fun stuff for kids and a good, clean atmosphere for the entire family. These usually don't have the typical "partying" atmosphere as many spring break cruises and cruises for adults only. Let's see what family vacation cruises have to offer.

Cruisin' with the Kids

Kids might find a normal cruise boring, but with family cruises, there's a long list of things to do. A cruise that caters to families and kids will allow you to have a great time without having to constantly come up with ways to entertain the kids. There are swimming pools with special kiddie stuff such as water slides or water games, video arcades, on-board games for kids of all ages such as shipboard Olympics, pizza parties, miniature golf, magic shows, sports, concerts, fun educational projects, and more. Some cruises have family-friendly movies and skating. Many offer on-shore kids' adventures and tours to enjoy as you reach each destination.

Where to Go

A tough decision to make is where to go on a family vacation cruise. Some places are just not suitable for families. They might have too much of a party type atmosphere catering to couples or single young adults. Some places are just too boring for the family to enjoy. Compare cruise offerings to find a destination that caters to families with attractions such as zoos, children's museums, amusement parks, water parks, tours of historic sites, or family fun centers. Teens might enjoy more adventurous activities such as snorkeling, parasailing, and hiking. When you exit the boat, you can pick and choose among several attractions to make the whole family happy.

Some great cruise destinations for families include Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida (with Disney Cruises), islands of the Caribbean, Hawaii, California, and Alaska. European cruises are also great for families, allowing you to explore interesting sites in Europe by sea and land.

A Break for Parents

One luxury you'll enjoy on a family cruise is you can take breaks from the kids occasionally. They can enjoy supervised games and activities while you relax in the Jacuzzi, enjoy a romantic dinner, try out a casino, or just sunbathe by the pool. Many cruises have a trained youth staff for various age groups to direct the children's activities. A schedule of kid's activities is provided so parents and kids will know how to plan each day.

Find the Perfect Family Cruise

Family cruises are easy to book using the Internet. Check out some of the main cruise lines to find out what they offer and what destinations are available. Some of the most popular are Disney Cruises, Carnival Cruise Lines, Princess, Norwegian Cruise Line, Crystal Cruises, and Costa Cruise Lines. You can easily choose a cruise package that will fit your family's budget. But be sure to book a cruise that offers activities your family will enjoy. It should be a vacation to please everyone.

Some online resources to book a family cruise are Travelocity, Expedia, Travelzoo, and Orbitz. You can usually get discounted tickets by securing an all-inclusive family cruise package. An all-inclusive cruise will include meals, lodging, transportation, and some forms of entertainment. Be sure to find out what's included and what's not so you'll know how to plan financially for the trip.

If your family vacations seem a little drab lately, a family cruise can provide the new, thrilling adventure your family has been longing for!

Monday, February 8, 2016

Old school looks

We have found countless ways of "improving" our self appearance. These ways could be makeup, hair dye, breast implants, clothing, or anything else that can alter the way you look. In my opinion, these are not all necessary, but who am i kididng? These are pretty cool inventions.

Have you ever watched and laughed at a sixties, seventies, or eighties movie? That is what sparked this very article, or more specifically, glasses. Wow! They had no style whatsoever! I suppose for their time they did, but by todays standards, those magnifyers are disgusting! Back then, people wore glasses because they had to, not becuase they could look good.

Today, you see girls and guys with some flashy looking glasses. Heres a little input from yours truly - They have no perscription! Thats right. They wear them for an image. Glasses are a style these days that was never thought of by the generations before us. So here is my question, Weren't they searching for an alternitive years ago? Contact Lenses would have made seventies movies WAY less painful.

Now, after saying this, what will people say about us in 20 or 30 years? Surely we are not stuck up and naive enough to say that our style is as good as it could ever be. That is like proposing that our technology can no longer advance! Did they think they had style down in the sixties? Questions to ponder keep a mind active, regardless how unimportant they may be. So stay sharp and wonder these ridiculous wonders with me!

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Why rose gardening is so addictive

For many of us, the act of gardening brings us closer to nature by getting us outdoors and allowing us the opportunity to tend and grow objects that in the absence of our assistance would not be able to survive, let alone thrive. There is a special connection between the growers of roses and their plants, however, which seems to go even beyond the basic instincts of the traditional gardener.

The first reason that roses can be such an addictive plant is the roots it has in our culture in the form of myth and symbolism. The same reason we are addicted to rose gardening is the same reason we are willing to pay a ridiculous amount for a single flower or bunch on Valentine’s Day - nothing in our society communicates more than the rose. This cultural phenomenon has been a part of western heritage for longer than anyone can trace. The rose was considered a flower of romance in ancient China, where it was first developed, and was used throughout the Roman Empire. British history is full of roses in every context - the theater where Shakespeare’s plays were put on was known as the rose, and some of the most distinguishing events in British history occurred during the long “War of the Roses”. Roses were not actually introduced to Europe in the cultivated style until the late 1700s, when they arrived from China.

Perhaps some of the addiction we have in cultivating roses stems in part from the same areas that our ancient forebears found so appealing. Many roses have a very distinctive scent, and the shape of the rose is certainly unique enough in itself to warrant extensive cultivation and appeal. Roses can also be found in many different colors and varieties, and there is symbolism attached to every colour that roses can be found in - red, of course, symbolizes love, but did you know that pink roses carry a message of gratitude, while yellow represent joy?

Roses also represent a singular species which can manifest itself in a variety of styles, and therefore a rose gardener really needs only to focus on rose types to bring all the variety to the appearance of her lawn and garden that could be wished for. Roses can be planted in the miniature style, as bushes, and as climbers. As has been noted above, roses are also available in several different colors which will add to the overall diversity in appearance of your garden. Roses are also available in petals of many different sizes to further add diversity to your landscaping. Species roses grow hips that are colorful and last well into the winter, and can add a further sprinkle of uniqueness to your landscaping by attracting birds throughout the winter months.

Lastly, roses require as little or as much attention as the gardener wants to put in. Pruned bushes look ideal, but roses are also beautiful when allowed to grow freely. Roses also tend to be very hardy and resistant to diseases. The soil composition needs not have too many considerations, and the ground cover is totally up to the gardener.

Growing roses can be an addicting experience because of their history, their beauty, their variety, and their maintenance. Once a person dedicates their garden space to the cultivation of roses, the possibilities are limitless.

All inclusive caribbean family resort the best family holiday locations

A holiday really isn't a holiday unless you use your time to really unwind. Of course, sometimes it can be difficult to achieve this unless you get an all inclusive holiday package. All inclusive packages can really help you to de-stress because you won't have to worry about paying for much of anything.

A carribean vacation is surely one that you will never forget. With this holiday package, you can plan ahead and make sure that you pick the right package that meets the needs of every family member. An all inclusive Caribbean family resort has in one place; namely excellent dining, accommodations, water and land sports, other entertainment activities, and relaxation programs.

All Caribbean family resorts are excellent at meeting the needs for parents and kids of all ages and interests. The all inclusive Caribbean family resorts were designed and equipped with families in mind. There is absolutely something for everyone! In the all inclusive Caribbean family resorts, there is a wide range of opportunities for unwinding and relaxing. Because of all these wonderful attributes, the all inclusive Caribbean family resorts are known as the best family holiday locations and romantic retreats.

There is no better place to take the family to have a wonderful time than the all inclusive Caribbean family resorts. As a matter of fact, the Caribbean region is considered to be the ideal place for the whole family to enjoy the fun, adventure, and luxury that every family wants most.

It is highly recommended that you consider the following selected all inclusive Caribbean family resorts because they are widely known for their great service, amenities and facilities. There is no reason why you should miss out having a great Caribbean family getaway with the all inclusive Caribbean family resorts!

1. SuperClubs All Inclusive Caribbean Family Resorts

If you are looking for the ultimate family holiday getaway, then you will have to try the all inclusive Caribbean family resorts SuperClubs. The SuperClubs all inclusive Caribbean family resorts are well known for their very comfortable accommodation and complimentary amenities. SuperClubs all inclusive Caribbean family resorts offer the best in comfortable and soothing time. At these resorts, you will find the first class distinguished chefs. Just line all inclusive Caribbean family resorts, the SuperClub resorts are has friendly and gracious staff that will make your stay unforgettable.

2. Beaches All Inclusive Caribbean Family Resorts

Be sure to check out the inclusive packages that are offered by your local travel broker. Beaches are a favorite destination for many families. The Beaches is a division of the Sandals Empire. The Beaches runs four all inclusive Caribbean family resorts, three of those are situated in the island of Jamaica, and one in the Turks and Caicos. The Beaches all inclusive Caribbean family resorts take family holiday to a world class level even the most discerning holiday making family will be pleased. You will find that the best vacation is the one that yeilds you the most enjoyment.