Friday, March 11, 2016

Secrets of successful online marketing

The online marketing world is fundamentally different than brick-and-mortar business marketing. However, like all businesses, successful people follow one set of rules, and those who fail follow another.

Entrepreneurs who do not follow solid business and marketing plans seriously impair their business growth. The business world is full of secrets that are not secrets at all, they are truths that have been proven to build wealth.

Online marketing requires seven building blocks. The first step is to build a website. This is not the focus of the marketing campaign, but it should be viewed as the center of a spider web. People should move toward the center of the spider web, where they make a purchase. This is where most companies fail.

People rarely make a purchase the first time to a website. That is whey the website should direct them to a network, which is created to draw them back to the place where they are asked to make a purchase.

The network includes a blog that offers free content that other webmasters can post on their websites. This should also promote a newsletter that is for your loyal members and consumers. The purpose of the blog and newsletters is to build a mailing list.

These comprise the core of the marketing campaign. The second part of the marketing campaign is designed to bring readers into the network. This includes a forum, lenses, and free content articles.

A forum is one of the most valuable tools in an internet marketing campaign. It is the only place where a website can receive testimonials without them appearing like they were purchased from a ghostwriter or PR company.

A forum also builds an online learning tool that can be used to sell, educate, and build customer loyalty. It is the most powerful – and overlooked – tool in the Internet marketer’s toolbox.

Targeting an audience who needs your product may reduce hits, but it increases the number of sales, and in turn the Return On Investment(ROI).

Pay Per Click has long been the mainstay of any Internet Marketing campaign, but it can be a waste of money. Some PPC programs let online businesses target specific websites, or even post their ad at the top of searches. These ones will dramatically in crease the website’s ROI.

A cheaper way to increase your website’s exposure, and attract your targeted audience, is to use free content articles. Each one of these can be written to pre-sell the consumer, and encourage them to follow the article from the website, to your businesses’ network.

Lenses are the newest tools in the search engine arsenal. Myspace. com now sends more traffic to websites than MSN. Other popular lenses are hubpages. com and squidoo. com. These sites are all designed to act as secondary websites. Each lens is positioned on the outside edge of the spider’s web, and draws visitors into the center website where they are encouraged to purchase the product.

Combining these tools, and updating content weekly, is the formula that has created unmeasured wealth for thousands of Internet businesses. Good luck on your endeavor.

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