If you have a somewhat difficult time getting a credit card, the First Vineyard MasterCard may be a choice that you have. This credit line is offered to those that may not be able to get an unsecured credit card. If you would like the ability to earn some cash back, this credit line may be the best way to go. Proper use of it can also help you to improve your overall credit rating, a very important part of the building of credit process.
The First Vineyard MasterCard is what is called a stored value card. That is, you will use the funds that you place on it as payments are made in advance of the use of this card. You can do this directly from your paycheck, if you like or other funding sources. You can use loading funds from such methods of bank wire transfers, through the mail or through making a cash deposit. There is no annual fee attached to this card, but there is a non refundable fee of $39.95 as an application fee and a fee of $83.40 fee that is applied monthly at $6.95 as a participation fee. Your minimum deposit has to be more than $20 and your maximum is that of up to $2500.
The unique feature about the First Vineyard MasterCard is that you will earn cash back for using your card. You will earn a rebate of .07% up to 1%. You will also receive a one time bonus of $25 for each personal referral that you have. If they activate their card, you get this referral bonus. You can have up to 100 of these individuals providing this referral to you. You also get more cash back if you shop at the online shop of First Vineyard MarketPlace. You can earn up to 1% cash back with no expiration and no yearly limit.
This credit card can provide the help that you need for getting the most out of your spending when your credit is not what you would like it to be.
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