I like article marketing and find it an enjoyable and profitable way of promoting my websites. I never plan articles, the ideas just come out of the blue from something I have seen or heard. Once I start writing the words just flow, but before I write an article there are two things that I consider.
1. Why am I writing the article?
2. Would it be of any use to webmasters for their sites or for newsletter publishers?
It does not take rocket science to figure that I and every other article marketer am using articles to benefit our own promotions, but they will be of little benefit to us if we do not produce quality articles that others will actually want to read and use.
Owning my own article directory I have read thousands of articles, many of which I would never use on my other sites or in newsletters and many I have declined for various reasons. Let us consider the rights and wrongs of articles starting at the beginning.
Attention Grabbing
Your or title are a no no, they only stand out in the sense that the reader feels shouted at and nobody wants to feel like that.
I hope that you have found this interesting and useful and that we get lots more quality articles to read.
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